Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Oil Spectacular in the Gulf

One of the things that bugs me about this whole disaster is that people are only blaming BP. Lets also lay blame where it should be appropriately laid, on Haliburton, TransOcean, and...the gas consumers of the USA. Now I'm not sure what role Haliburton and TransOcean play in this but if it weren't for our ridiculous addiction to gasoline and all its glory, we wouldn't have needed to begin exploring the Gulf of Mexico for its oil and natural gas reserves.

We certainly love our cars, I know I do,but we need to stop talking about alternative energy and make it happen. Unless we don't I fear that there will be more oil spill disasters like this and the Exxon Valdez in Alaska.

The situation is dire, we need to break our addiction to oil, we can not talk anymore we must do. Instead of protesting (which you probably have to drive to anyway) stay home and save the gas. Write your Congress person(s) and demand that they make the laws necessary to foster new energy solutions. Make the conscious decision when you buy your next car to buy a hybrid, or at least a car that is significantly more gas efficient than your last; free market can make changes as well. Now I'm not saying that a Hybrid is the answer as it still uses gasoline, but it will help make the car manufacturers' realize what is important to you.

Ulitmately this will decrease our demand for gas, therefore decreasing the need for drilling in fragile ecosystems such as the Gulf of Mexico, ANWAR, or the North Atlantic.

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